Selected Publications
Wessel, J. L., Lemay, E., & Barth, S. E.* (2022) You(r behaviors) are racist: The effects of confrontation focus on reactions of the confronted. Journal of Business and Psychology. Online First Publication.
Lee, J.* & Wessel, J. L. (2022). Is feminist identity beneficial for women’s career aspirations? Examining feminist identity profiles, Psychology of Women Quarterly, 46(1), 27-49.
Barth, S. E.* & Wessel, J. L. (2022). Mental illness disclosure in organizations: Defining and predicting (un)supportive responses, Journal of Business and Psychology, 37, 407-428.
Wessel, J. L., Barth, S. E.*, & Bryant, C.* (2020) Authentically different: Authenticity as a diversity management issue. In D. Stone, J. H. Dulebohn, & K. M. Lukaszewski (Eds.), Research in Human Resource Management: Diversity and Inclusion in Organizations. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc. p 103 - 135.
Wessel, J. L., Huth, M., Park, J. Y.*, & Welle, B. (2020). The importance of role-based and collective authenticity on well-being and withdrawal. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11, 207-216.
Wessel, J. L. (2017) The importance of allies and allied organizations: Sexual orientation disclosure and concealment at work. Journal of Social Issues, 73, 240-254.
Wessel, J. L., Hagiwara, N., Ryan, A. M., and Kermond, C.M.Y. (2015) Should women ‘man up’ in traditionally-male hiring contexts? Effectiveness of two verbal identity management strategies. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 39, 243-255.
*Graduate Student Author
A poster summarizing Dr. Wessel's recent work. Click to magnify.